The work executed for Telekomunikacja Polska S.A. was to build and expand the existing teletechnic pipelines with copper cables inside. It allowed connecting new subscribers and widening the offer to the present subscribers with better quality services. FONBUD also built the main fiber optic lines transmitting signals between the network elements. The investments, carried out south of Wroclaw, were part of a modernization process adapting the infrastructure to the technology progress and the operator’s expansion.
The construction of the fibre optic central bus and the local networks in Strzelin area, Olawa area and between Goszczyna and Marcinkowice
Additional Info
Commencement date: 2000
End date: 2002
Value: Ponad 6 000 000 zł
Length of the network: brak danych
Length of the cables: 53,045

The ordering party: Telekomunikacja Polska S.A.