The construction of the sewerage system in Walbrzych was a part of the project ‘Wastewater treatment plant in Walbrzych. Contract No. 2003/PL/16/P/PE/04104’. The urban terrain required manual excavations, road and landscape reconstruction. During the execution of the contract FONBUD built 4 km of the sewers in the northern part of the city.
Construction of the 2nd stage of the sewerage system in Walbrzych
Additional Info
Commencement date: 2007
End date: 2010
Value: Ponad 2 000 000 zł
Length of the network: Około 4 km
Length of the cables: nie dotyczy

The general contractor: WUPRINŻ S.A.
Investor: Wałbrzyski Związek Wodociągów i Kanalizacji