The fiber optic line connecting Myslowice with Sosnowiec was built for Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa Sp. z o.o. The highly urbanized city area required the use of horizontal drillings and pneumatic jacking on 33% of the line route. The fiber optic line improved the services offered by the operator managing brands like ERA, Heyah and tuBiedronka.
Connecting Myslowice with Sosnowiec with the fiber optic line
Additional Info
Commencement date: 2008
End date: 2009
Value: Ponad 3 000 000 zł
Length of the network: Kanalizacja osłonowa ponad 15km
Length of the cables: kabel światłowodowy ponad 18 km

The ordering party: Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa Sp. z o. o.