The contract “Water supply and sewerage system in Kedzierzyn Kozle“ was carried out as one of the Cohesion Fund projects. FONBUD was responsible for the implementation of the 23rd, 24th, 27th and 28th section. The assignment involved building new and modernizing the existing surface water drainage in Kedzierzyn Kozle. The new waste sewerage system was built from reinforced concrete and plastic pipes. As a result 16 kilometers of sewerage system was built within the town.
The construction, reconstruction and modernization of the rainwater drainage system in the Kedzierzyn Kozle Commune
Additional Info
Commencement date: 2009
End date: 2010
Value: Ponad 1 000 000 zł
Length of the network: Blisko 0,2 km
Length of the cables: nie dotyczy

The general contractor: PBOiI ''CHMIELEWSKI"
Investor: Miejskie Wodociągi i Kanalizacja w Kędzierzynie- Koźlu